Safe on the doorstep riding
our own land, we offer you the opportunity to gallop flat out, school
your horse and jump our own jumps.
As a private yard, we have a very healthy acreage of grazing available
to your horse. This can be restricted if you wish, should your horse be
prone to becoming a little more portly than is good for him.
Safe on the doorstep riding has been provided by a network of field
margins – so you do not need to ride on busy roads if you don’t want to.
Our land which can be ridden over which
provides access
for you and your horse to
wonderful network of bridleways,
quiet, pleasant countryside
full of wildlife,
woodland, open fields and quiet
has been said on many occasions that it is possible to ride a different
route, every day for a month! No boring hacking here!

Schooling & Jumping
Coloured and rustic jumps are available to be used by all. Areas for
schooling are also available. No extra charge is made for the use of
these facilities.

The all weather floodlit arena
is available free of charge, so riding at any time
is feasible.
have well qualified, visiting instructors who will teach you on your own
horse - either one to one or two or three together - it's up to you!
well as this, we have visiting Parelli instructors. Visit their web site
to see what it is all about!
Perhaps hunting is your passion. We have many of the meets which are
close to to the yard.