Why here
More reasons to choose us over other yards in the area
Fully flexible bespoke livery
All stables, yard and
field entrances are lit in hours of darkness so that you can work safely
Haylage, feed and
shavings bedding is on site as well as sundries such as bandages,
hibiscrub, gamgee etc.
horses are treated with respect and kindness to ensure their welfare and
happiness. It is against our policy to employ 'fear tactics' - fear
does not work in the long-term, and only serves to exacerbate a problem.
Safety is a priority, and we pride ourselves on providing a safe
environment both in and out of the stable.
Paddocks and fields are mains supply electric fenced, which apart from
being a great rug saver, prevents horses being injured by wire or
pulling shoes off as they can sometimes do, if they have a wire fence to
help them!
strict worming programme ensures that all equines carry a minimal
burden. All horses are wormed at the same time, by you, or ourselves if
you are unable to be there.
horses are checked several times daily and anything which is needed is
provided, such as topping up hay nets etc.
First aid
First aid procedures are instigated immediately upon a problem or injury
being found. Clients are informed straight away of any problems, and
instruction is taken on the course of action which clients prefer. In
the case of a client not being able to be contacted, we reserve the
right to call veterinary assistance should we deem it necessary and
Do you put up with this at your current yard?
They are not
flexible and only allow specific types of livery
Yard owner/manager has a poor attitude
to the clients
Yard owner/manager does not listen to
my concerns
Fields and paddocks are divided with
wire fencing
Gate to the fields are dangerous and
my horse could be injured or get a leg trapped
Gates don’t swing and are to carry to
open and close them
The paddocks are never/not regularly
cleared of faeces
Fields don’t have automatic water
supply and I have to carry water to my horse
The horses are in large groups and it
is dangerous for me to go and get my horse from the field
Fields are infested with ragwort
The gateways are boggy and it’s
dangerous to try and get my horse out of the field when it’s like
There just isn’t enough grass and I
have to feed my horse all year round
I have to stable my horse in the
summer as they don’t allow horses to run out at night
I have to buy my own haylage/hay in
My horse is bedded on straw and I’m
worried about COPD
There are no lights or lighting is
poor and I can’t see my horse properly in the yard/stable at night
I have to buy feed from the shop and
carry it from my car to my bins
The hacking is poor
There is no floodlit arena to ride in
on dark nights
There is an arena but it gets very wet
and can’t be used sometimes
I have to pay extra to use the arena
There is no worming programme
There is nowhere safe to park my car
away from horses
I worry that my horse may be
left in the field on his own if I can’t get there to bring him in
with the rest
If I have a problem when I am hacking
there is nobody at the yard I can call to come and help
I am very restricted on how much
equipment/rugs etc that I can keep at the yard
They can’t/won’t provide a paddock
suitable for my laminitic horse
My horse gets beaten up in the field
I worry that if something goes wrong
with my horse when I’m not there, nobody will help him
They don’t have a yard farrier and I
have to wait a long time to get my horses feet seen to
The other people using the yard aren’t
very friendly
I have concerns about how my horse
will be treated when I am not there
I can’t have lessons with anyone other
than the instructors on the yard
The yard manager in rarely out and
about and doesn’t see what goes on
I have to pay to park my wagon/trailer
I have to pay extra to have my horse
in his own field
The yard frequently has events with
horses from all over using the facilities and I am worried that my
horse my inadvertently come into contact with strangles or worse
What our clients say past and present
Read reviews of Whittonstall Hall Livery Yard
on touchlocal.com. To read these reviews copy and paste the link below
into your browser
Audrey Walker
My priorities are the safety and wellbeing of
my horses. Alyson and Clive provided that and so much more when I kept
my horses at Whittonstall Hall Livery Yard. They showed a great deal of
care and consideration and provided an extremely high standard of
management both of the yard and the individual horses and clients. The
riding in the area is just amazing, and that coupled with the 120 acres
of their own private land to ride over, made it just the perfect place
for my horses.
The horses were turned
out EVERY day, which is a great advantage, especially if you have horses
like a couple of mine, who get stressed and weave if they are confined.
Both Alyson and Clive are experienced with horses and I had, and have
total confidence in their ability to take good care of my horses when I
was not available to do so.
Hall Livery
Yard is a great yard, run by very special people.
Liz Storey
I moved to
Whittonstall Hall Livery Yard almost 10 years ago now. Jake was not in
the best of health and condition when we first moved to the yard, but
with a little time and with a lot of help and advice from Alyson he was
looking good and feeling even better.
I didn’t realise what it
was like to be able to keep my horse on a good yard. I’ve had
experience of a couple of places and thought that they were OK - but I
hadn’t experienced a yard like this one, where there is 200% commitment
to the horses by experienced, competent and caring people.
I love going to see my
horse not just because I love him, but because the company is so much
fun and I feel relaxed and happy when I am there. Like so many people
these days, I find my job extremely stressful. Whittonstall Hall Livery
Yard is better medicine than any doctor could prescribe.
Joan Nesbitt
Is there anywhere better? I don’t think so – for Cassie or me.
There aren’t many folk
in this world that I would trust to look after Cassie, but I am grateful
to have found Alyson and Clive.
Cassie was a rescued
horse and as such I was paranoid about ensuring that her life is a good
one after having had such a terrible time. Cassie does have a good and
happy life now, thanks to Alyson and Clive. (Cassie has now moved to
private premises where she is being used as a brood mare).
Cassie has since been
sold by the people who had Cassie as a brood mare. If anyone has any
information regarding her whereabouts please phone Alyson. Here is a
photo of Cass

Please do get in
touch. We are desperately worried about her and would dearly like to
know where she is