Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

COPD is an equine lung disease similar to human
asthma. The clinical signs of COPD are caused by an allergic response to
the particles in hay dust (see Figure 1). It is most often seen in older
horses (greater than six years old) that are stabled during the winter
months. COPD is rarely seen in warm, dry climates where horses are kept
outside all year. Horses with COPD may exhibit clinical signs such as
"heaving" to push air out of the lungs towards the end of exhalation,
coughing, weight loss, and exercise intolerance. Wheezes may be heard
towards the end of exhalation when listening to the airways with a
stethoscope. A mucopurulent nasal discharge (composed of mucus and
inflammatory cells) may be seen, especially after exercise. The
abdominal muscles of COPD-afflicted horses may hypertrophy (enlarge) and
form noticeable "heave lines." Heaves does not appear to be breed or
gender related. There is evidence, however, that it may be hereditary.
Etiology of COPD

contains microorganisms such as bacteria and fungi as well as tiny
particles of feed grains, plants, feces, dander, and pollen (see the
photomicrograph of a clean hay sample in Figure 2). These tiny particles
become aerosolized in hay dust and elicit an allergic response when they
are inhaled by COPD horses. While it is believed that the
hypersensitivity reaction seen in COPD horses is in response to many
different allergens, the primary microorganisms involved in the etiology
of heaves are Aspergillus fumigatus, Thermoactinomyces vulgaris,
and Faenia rectivirgula. Aspergillus fumigatus is a
mold that grows on dead and decaying matter such as poorly cured hay. It
is thermophilic ("heat-loving") and can thrive in the high temperatures
achieved in decomposing vegetation. A. fumigatus forms spores
which become airborne and can be inhaled. These spores are antigenic
(they are recognized as "foreign" by the immune system and provoke an
immune response) and allergenic. Both Thermoactinomyces vulgaris
and Faenia rectivirgula are bacteria which produce spores that
become airborne and can be inhaled. All three of these species of
microorganisms are numerous in moldy hay (Figure 3 is a photomicrograph
of moldy hay).
Pathogenesis of COPD
COPD is a
disease that affects the air passages (trachea, bronchi, and
bronchioles) through which air flows into the lungs (see Figure 4). The
air passages are lined with layers of cells which constitute the
epithelium. Below the epithelium is a layer of connective tissue called
the submucosa. The epithelium and submucosa together are called the
mucosa. Smooth muscle surrounds the bronchi and bronchioles all the way
to the level of the alveoli (the air sacs in the lungs where gas
exchange takes place). Contraction of the smooth muscle encircling the
airways is known as bronchoconstriction or bronchospasm.
The airways
are equipped with natural defense mechanisms to eliminate inhaled
particles. These mechanisms include coughing, mucus secretion and
removal, and bronchoconstriction. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
is a delayed hypersensitivity reaction to inhaled allergens (materials
that provoke allergic reactions). The natural defense mechanisms in the
airways of COPD horses are hyperreactive and, therefore, they overreact
when foreign particles are inhaled. Inflammation is also one of the
defense mechanisms of the airways but in COPD inflammation occurs in
excess and its purpose is not clear.

Four to six
hours after a COPD horse is exposed to hay dust, the airways become
inflamed and massive numbers of neutrophils accumulate within the air
passages. Neutrophils are specialized white blood cells that kill
bacteria. In COPD, it is still unclear what role the neutrophils play.
It is known, however that the substances normally used by neutrophils to
kill bacteria are capable of causing some of the changes in the airway
epithelium observed in COPD horses.
Each time a COPD horse is exposed to hay dust, its airways become
acutely inflamed which causes the airways to become edematous (an
abnormal accumulation of fluid in intercellular spaces). Repeated
episodes of inflammation can cause the airway mucosal cells to
proliferate. Both edema and proliferation of the mucosal cells thicken
the airway walls and obstruct normal air flow during breathing (see
Figure 5).

mucus is produced in the trachea and bronchi by goblet cells in the
epithelium and submucosal glands (see photomicrograph of goblet cells in
Figure 6). Mucus lining the airways is viscous and sticky so that it
entraps inhaled particles. The epithelium of the trachea and bronchi is
covered with cilia (Figure 7 is a photomicrograph of ciliated
epithelium). These tiny hairlike projections on the epithelial surface
beat continuously and transport the overlying mucus layer up toward the
larynx where the mucus can either be expelled (by coughing) or
swallowed. The mucociliary system provides a means by which inhaled
foreign particles can be cleared from the airways.

of the irritant receptors lying below the airway epithelium promotes
mucus secretion so that more mucus is available to transport inhaled
allergens out of the airways. Inflammation of the airways stimulates
mucus secretion and causes proliferation of mucus producing cells. In
COPD horses, excess mucus in the airways plugs the bronchioles (Figure 9
below is a photomicrograph of a mucous plug in the airways).

smooth muscle that encircles the airways is controlled by the
parasympathetic nervous system. Inhaled irritants stimulate the
parasympathetic nervous system to release acetylcholine (ACh). The
binding of acetylcholine to receptors located on airway smooth muscle
cells causes bronchoconstriction (bronchospasm) which prevents irritants
from penetrating deeper into the lungs. When the mucosa is thickened by
inflammation, even a little smooth muscle contraction can substantially
narrow the airways and make breathing more difficult (this is
illustrated in Figure 8). Air flow is also compromised by the increased
production of mucus in response to inhaled allergens. Accumulated mucus
and cellular debris in the airways further decreases the diameter of the
air passages and increases the effort required to breathe. This
increased work of breathing is evidenced by the abdominal push
("heaving") seen when COPD-afflicted horses try to force air out through
the narrowed airways during exhalation.
Since the
air passages of COPD-afflicted horses are obstructed (see Figure 9),
oxygen cannot be efficiently delivered to the alveoli. This results in a
low partial pressure of oxygen in the arterial blood of COPD horses.
Less oxygen is available, therefore, for delivery to the tissues.
Impairment of gas exchange in the lungs of COPD horses prevents these
horses from performing well and results in exercise intolerance.

expels inhaled particles from the airways. Sensory nerve endings called
irritant receptors lie below the airway epithelium. The irritant
receptors are stimulated when inhaled particles or accumulated mucus
secretions compress the airway epithelium and deform the underlying
receptors. In COPD-afflicted horses, inflammation makes the cough reflex
hyperreactive because the epithelium is damaged, irritant receptors
become exposed, and the nerves become more sensitive to stimuli (much as
an inflamed wound on your finger makes your finger more sensitive to
touch). As a result of the hyperreactive cough reflex and mucus
accumulation in the airways, COPD horses cough frequently (see Figure

Veterinarians usually diagnose chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
based on history and clinical signs. Since COPD is an allergic response
to particles in hay dust, it should be determined how the horse is being
housed and the type of feed it is receiving. Information supplied to the
veterinarian by the owner or trainer about the onset and nature of
clinical signs such as "heaving," coughing, or mucopurulent nasal
discharge is also very useful. In addition, the veterinarian will want
to know about any history of exercise intolerance.
veterinarian will conduct a complete physical examination and pay
particular attention to the lungs. Horses with COPD usually do not have
a fever. Abnormal lung sounds, especially wheezing, become more obvious
as the disease increases in severity. The veterinarian will look for
evidence of a mucopurulent nasal discharge. If there is doubt about the
diagnosis, the veterinarian may use endoscopy or bronchoalveolar lavage.
of an endoscope through a nostril of the horse and into the trachea and
bronchi allows the veterinarian to directly examine the air passages.
The veterinarian will make note of any edema, hyperemia (the "redness"
that occurs as more blood is shunted to areas of inflammation), and the
presence and color of mucus accumulations. Figure 11 is a
videoendoscopic photograph showing large amounts of mucous in the
airways of a COPD-afflicted horse.
Bronchoalveolar Lavage
Bronchoalveolar lavage is a process whereby a tube is passed through one
nostril of the horse into the peripheral airways and then sterile saline
is quickly injected and withdrawn from the air passages through the
tube. This sample is then analysed microscopically for both the total
number of cells present and the number and percentage of each cell type
present (i.e. macrophages, lymphocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, and
mast cells). In normal horses, the predominant cells are macrophages and
lymphocytes with neutrophils comprising less than five percent of all
the cells present (see Figure 12). In horses with severe COPD, the
percentage of neutrophils in bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) fluid may be
50-70% (or more) of the total cell count (see Figure 13). However,
horses with greater than 20% neutrophils will likely have impaired lung
function and may have COPD.
Blood gas
analysis can also be performed to assist in the diagnosis of chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease. An arterial blood sample taken when the
horse has just been exercised will have a lower partial pressure of
oxygen than normal. Although horses usually become hypoxemic (low levels
of oxygen in the blood) during exercise, the hypoxemia seen in COPD
horses is more pronounced.

Treatment of COPD
In equine
COPD, inhalation of airborne allergens leads to airway inflammation
which gives rise to bronchospasm. Treatment therefore involves
prevention of exposure to allergens by environmental management,
reduction of inflammation by use of corticosteroids, and relief of
airway obstruction by use of bronchodilator drugs. Depending on the
severity of the disease, use of the horse, and facilities available, one
or all of these treatments may be used for a COPD-affected horse. There
is no cure for COPD and, therefore, treatments need to be continued for
simplest way to treat a COPD horse is to change the environment so as to
minimize exposure to hay dusts. This can easily be accomplished by
putting the horse out to pasture. COPD-afflicted horses put out to
pasture will go into clinical remission. If a horse must be stabled,
then it is necessary to eliminate the use of straw for bedding and hay
for feed. Even though the dust levels in the barn may seem
insignificant, research has shown that the dust levels in the breathing
zone (i.e. around the nose) of a horse eating hay can be as much as
thirty to forty times higher than in the rest of the stall (see Figure
14). When a horse is eating a low dust feed such as pellets, the dust
levels in the breathing zone are equivalent to those in the stall (see
Figure 14). An effective management strategy for stabled COPD-afflicted
horses, therefore, is to bed them on shavings and feed them a low dust
diet. Feeds low in dust include complete pelleted feed, alfalfa cubes,
and grass silage (haylage). Horses in adjacent stalls preferably should
be kept in the same manner so as to prevent hay dusts from contaminating
the stall of the COPD horse. However, if this is not possible, simply
changing the management in one stall can dramatically improve lung
function in a COPD-affected horse.
Hay should
not be stored near the stall of a horse with COPD. Improving the
ventilation in the barn can also help to minimize airborne particles.
This may be accomplished by merely keeping the windows and doors open
whenever possible or by using more sophisticated ventilation systems.
It is very
important to realize that very short exposure of a COPD-susceptible
horse to hay dusts can initiate inflammation and airway obstruction that
can last for days. In a study by Fairbairn et al., COPD-susceptible
horses were fed hay for seven hours and then put into a low dust
environment. Three days later they still had inflamed airways . For this
reason, COPD-affected horses should not simply be pastured during the
day and then stabled and fed hay at night. This overnight exposure to
dusts will be sufficient to maintain their airway obstruction.
Drug Therapy

addition to changing the environment of a stabled COPD horse, it may
be necessary to administer anti-inflammatory drugs. Corticosteroids
are the drugs of choice for relieving inflammation of the airways.
Corticosteroids can be administered by mouth, by injection, or by
inhalation. When they are administered by mouth or by injection,
therapy usually begins with a high dose and, as the horse improves,
the dose is reduced to a maintenance level. Inhaled steroids offer
the advantage of a high dose within the airways and minimal systemic
side effects but a special mask is necessary for administration (see
Figure 15). A chart outlining some of the more common
corticosteroids used for COPD follows:
Prednisolone |
Corticosteroid |
Oral or IM |
Once daily; may administer every
other day if clinical signs are controlled after a
course of treatment |
Few |
Triamcinolone |
Corticosteroid |
IM |
1 dose every 3 months |
Laminitis |
Dexamethasone |
Corticosteroid |
Oral, IV or IM |
Once daily for 2 days, then every
other day |
Laminitis |
Beclomethasone diproprionate |
Corticosteroid |
Aerosol |
Twice daily; after 2 weeks once daily |
Few |
Drug Therapy
Bronchodilators relax airway smooth muscle and relieve airway
obstruction. In mildly affected horses, they may be the first line
of therapy. They can also be safely combined with anti-inflammatory
drugs for treatment of more severely affected horses. This
combination is beneficial because anti-inflammatory drugs can reduce
airway wall thickening but have no direct effect on the smooth
muscle regulating the diameter of the airways. Bronchodilator drugs
can be given orally, by injection, or by inhalation. Oral
administration is the most convenient method but inhalation therapy
is the most effective treatment for relief of airway obstruction. As
with anti-inflammatory therapy, administration of bronchodilators by
inhalation requires the use of a special mask (see Figure 15 above).
Clinically useful bronchodilators drugs are outlined in the chart
that follows:
(approved by FDA for use in horse, May
'98) |
2 adrenergic receptor agonist |
Oral |
Bronchodilation; Stimulation
of mucociliary escalator and mucus secretion |
12 hours |
Tachy-cardia, sweating,
excitation |
Pirbuterol (Maxair) |
2 adrenergic receptor agonist |
Aerosol |
Bronchodilation; Stimulation of
escalator and mucus secretion |
1-2 hours |
Minimal since administered by aerosol
rather than systemically |
Albuterol (Ventolin) |
2 adrenergic receptor agonist |
Aerosol |
Bronchodilation; Stimulation of
mucociliary escalator and mucus secretion |
1-2 hours |
Minimal since adminis-
tered by aerosol rather than systemically |
Ephedrine |
2 receptors agonist |
Oral |
Bronchodilation |
Efficacy and duration never tested in
clinical trials |
Stimulation of central nervous system |
Atropine |
Nonspecific muscarinic antagonist |
IV |
Bronchodilation |
4-6 hours |
Gastrointestinal stasis and colic |
Ipratropium bromide (Atrovent) |
Quaternary ammonium nonspecific
muscarinic receptor antagonist |
Aerosol |
Bronchodilation |
4-6 hours |
Minimal since poorly absorbed from
airways into blood |
line (a derivative of theophylline) |
Nonspecific inhibition of cAMP and cGMP
phosphodiesterases |
Oral or IV |
Bronchodilation |
Duration of effect never tested in
clinical trials |
Excitation, nervousness, increased heart
rate at doses required for broncho-dilation |